Fun photos as we leave. I'll finish the explanation when we land in Korea. Begee has been wildly shopping for LaDiDaLife.com, her and Julie Ann/Laura's online place to find many fun things…be sure to visit their website at
http://www.ladidalife.com/. Above is a roof top of a home in Saigon. Begee loved seeing what each home was growing!

This is where we ate breakfast this week! Overlooking the Saigon River, and I used to be just up-river in Cu Chi!

Flat Stanley is still around. Here he is.... packing!

Begee in her favorite shoe shop in the market, with Flat Stanley! They were shopping for LaDiDa together!

And this is my favorite shopping stop, near the market. This lovely family sells the Polo shirts to me for $3, etc. We love coming here as they always remember us!!!!
We are on our way to the airport and today has been the roughest of all... shopping with Begee! Wow! She has vast amounts of energy... and I thought she was frail! I'll send more fun photos when we hit Korea. The trip has been FANTASTIC!!!!!! Thank you for your prayers.
In His Service, David & Begee
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